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- Extrait de The HST Guide Star Catalog (Lasker+ 1992) ( GSC 1.1 )
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Voir la description originale et Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal
- vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087
- La structure originale en 9537 petites rΘgions est conservΘes.
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Dans chaque fichier les Θtoiles sont triΘes par magnitude .
- Les fichiers sont regroupΘs en 24 rΘpertoires selon la bande de dΘclinaison
- de leurs grandes rΘgions .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- type GSCrec = record
- ar, de : longint;
- gscn : word;
- pe, m, me :smallint;
- mb, cl : shortint;
- mult : char;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite J2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison J2000 * 100'000
- - gscn : numΘro de l'Θtoile dans la rΘgion
- - pe : erreur de position * 10
- - m : magnitude * 100
- - me : erreur de magnitude * 100
- - mb : bande passantes de magnitude
- - cl : classe d'objet
- - mult : Θtoile multiple
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- dΘfinition des bandes passantes de magnitude :
- mb Θmultion/filtre
- ---- ------------------------------------
- 0 S - IIIaJ + GG395
- 1 N - IIaD + W12
- 6 N - IIaD + GG495
- 8 XE - 103aE + Red Plexiglass
- 10* XG - yellow objective + IIaD + GG495
- 11 XB - blue objective +103aO
- 12* XB - blue objective +103aO
- 13 XB - yellow objective + 103aG + GG495
- 14* XB - yellow objective + 103aG + GG495
- 18 XN - IIIaJ + GG385
- * Calibrated with the GSC.
- dΘfinition des classes d'objet :
- cl objet
- -- ----------
- 0 Θtoile
- 1 galaxie
- 2 groupe d'Θtoile
- 3 non-Θtoile
- 5 possible artifact
- Description originale du catalogue :
- I/220 The HST Guide Star Catalog (Lasker+ 1992)
- Abstract:
- The Guide Star Catalog (GSC), which has been constructed to support the
- operational need of the Hubble Space Telescope contains nearly 19
- million objects brighter than sixteenth magnitude, of which more than 15
- million are classified as stars. This catalog provides positions and
- magnitudes for these stars.
- Introduction:
- The original version of this catalog, GSC 1.0, is described in a series
- of papers: Lasker et al. (1990); Russell et al. (1990); and Jenkner et
- al. (1990); hereafter referred to as Papers I, II, and III. Additions
- and corrections made in GSC 1.1 address:
- incompleteness, misnomers, artifacts, and other errors due to the
- overexposure of the brighter stars on the Schmidt plates,
- the identification of blends likely to have been incorrectly
- resolved,
- the incorporation of errata reported by the user-community or
- identified by the analysis of HST operational problems.
- Among the primary authors of the GSC 1.0 and the associated systems, the
- scientific responsibilities were divided as follows: Helmut Jenkner,
- system coordination and overall design; Barry M. Lasker, astrophysics
- and photometry; Brian J. McLean, algorithmic analysis and systems
- development; Jane L. Russell, astrometry; Michael M. Shara, system
- management; and Conrad R. Sturch , production management and quality
- control. GSC 1.1 analysis and production were performed primarily by
- Jesse B. Doggett, Daniel Egret, Brian J. McLean, and Conrad R. Sturch.
- Helmut Jenkner is on assignment from the European Space Agency; Jane L.
- Russell is currently affiliated with the Applied Research Corporation,
- Landover, MD; and Conrad R. Sturch is with the Astronomy Programs,
- Computer Sciences Corporation at Space Telescope Science Institute.
- Daniel Egret is affiliated with Observatoire de Strasbourg, France.
- Astronomical and Algorithmic Foundation:
- As described in Paper I, the GSC is primarily based on an all-sky,
- single epoch, single passband collection of Schmidt plates. For centers
- at +6 degree s and north, a 1982 epoch "Quick V" survey was obtained by
- the Palomar Observatory, while for southern fields, materials from the
- UK SERC J survey (epoch approximately 1975) and its equatorial extension
- (epoch approximately 1982) were used. In addition, over 100 short-
- exposure plates were taken with the Palomar Oschin and UK Schmidt
- telescopes to cover complex regions including the southern Milky Way,
- the Magellanic Clouds, and M31. These northern, southern, and
- supplemental plates hereafter are referred to as N, S, and X plates,
- respectively. The plates were digitized into 14000-square rasters at 25
- um sample intervals using modified PDS microdensitometers.
- The sky-background was modeled with a bi-dimensional cubic spline
- approximation to the modal level. Then an object finder, based on
- locating connected pixels at a certain threshold above the background,
- was used to obtain, for each plate, a list of positions, sizes,
- intensities, and related descriptive parameters. Images with multiple
- peaks were deblended by an algorithm based on correlations against a
- library of stellar images.
- The identified objects were classified as stars or non-stars by an
- interactive multivariate Bayesian classifier that used image features
- from the object-detection steps and was started from a small set of
- objects visually identified on each plate. Comparison of classifications
- from multiply catalogued objects in the plate overlap areas shows that
- the purity of objects classified as stars is typically 97 percent.
- Photometric and Astrometric Calibrations:
- The GSC calibrations were obtained on a plate-by-plate basis by
- polynomial modeling against the photometric and astrometric reference
- catalogs.
- Photometry is available in the natural systems defined by the individual
- plates in the GSC collection (generally J or V), and the calibrations
- are done using B, V standards from the Guide Star Photometric Catalog
- (Lasker, Sturch, et al. 1988).
- In Paper II the overall quality of the photometry near the standard
- stars was estimated from the fits and other tests to be 0.15 mag (one
- sigma, averaged over all plates), while the quality far from the
- sequences was estimated from the all-sky plate-to-plate agreement and
- from comparisons with independent photometric surveys to be about 0.3
- mag (one sigma), with about 10% of the errors being greater than 0.5
- mag. Additionally, Ratnatunga's (1990) comparison of the GSC against
- totally independent J-band photographic photometry for three southern
- fields (20 sq deg area) for 12.5 < J < 15.5 shows agreement at the
- 0.1-0.2 mag level.
- Astrometry, at equinox J2000, is available at the epochs of the
- individual plates used in the GSC; and the reductions to the reference
- catalogs (AGK3, SAOC, or CPC, depending on the declination zone) use
- third order expansions of the modeled plate and telescope effects. The
- fits to the reference catalogs lie in the range 0.5" to 0.9", and most
- of this is attributable to errors in the reference catalogs, to
- centroiding errors on the relatively large images of the reference
- stars, and to unmodeled astrometric effects.
- Paper II reported estimates of the overall external astrometric error,
- produced by comparisons of independently measured positions, in the
- range 0.2" to 0.8" (per coordinate), depending on the areas of the plate
- and the sky. Then from a more extensive analysis against the Carlsberg
- Automatic Meridian Circle data, Taff et al. (1990) found that GSC
- absolute positional errors from plate center to edge vary from 0.5" to
- 1.1" in the north and from 1.0" to 1.6" in the south, and that relative
- errors at half-degree separations range from 0.33" to 0.76" depending
- upon hemisphere and magnitude.
- Production, Database, Organization, and Population Statistics:
- Paper III describes the software system used to produce the GSC. It
- consisted of a set of (primarily non-interactive) image-processing and
- calibration programs interconnected by a set of pipeline files and
- supported by databases organized on a plate-by-plate basis. A set of
- utility programs was also provided to support quality control and to
- correct operational problems.
- Object names are of the form GSC rrrrr nnnnn, where the first field
- specifies an internal region number and the second is an ordinal within
- it. For objects catalogued from more than one photographic plate, an
- entry was made from each image; and all entries for the same object were
- given the same unique name.
- Paper III also reviews the database for compiling statistics of objects
- with multiple entries and the details of the organization and structure
- of the GSC, including the provisions for assigning unique names, for
- cataloguing objects lying in the plate overlap regions, for rapidly
- indexing positions against regions, and for recovering the original
- plate measurements. The separate count statistics for stellar and
- non-stellar objects on a plate-by-plate basis are provided in the
- supporting tables.
- User Interfaces, Utilities, and Astronomical Applications:
- The all-sky collection of Schmidt plates that were digitized, archived
- to optical disc, and processed to generate the Guide Star Catalog (GSC)
- constitute a general image resource for astronomical research.
- This data set, combined with the computing environment provided by the
- Guide Star Astrometric Support Package (GASP), major elements of which
- are exported within the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System,
- provides random access to a digital image in any part of the sky. The
- GASP environment also supports access to the GSC and to other major
- astronomical catalogs. The GASP is part of the STScI SDAS package which,
- together with IRAF, can be obtained through the STScI World Wide Web
- pages.
- Revisions in GSC 1.1:
- The GSC 1.1 activities performed to address a number of known problems
- in GSC 1.0 are summarized here and described in detail in the text file
- for this revision, rev_1_1.tbl.
- Two concerns related to the brighter stars arise from the heavily
- overexposed images on the Schmidt plates used in the GSC, namely an
- incompleteness and a reduced precision. Both are addressed in the domain
- V < 7.5 by the use of data from the INCA Data Base (Turon et al. 1992;
- Jahreiss et al. 1992; Grenon et al. 1992) in the Tycho Input Catalog
- (TIC; Egret et al. 1992). Such entries are designated by the plate
- identifier +056 in GSC 1.1. The limit of V < 7.5 preserves the original
- GSC data for objects that were used in the GSC 1.0 astrometric
- calibration.
- Naming errors occur when objects catalogued from more than one
- photographic plate have positional errors sufficiently large that
- cross-matching of the overlapping plate areas is done incorrectly. The
- most significant known instances of this in GSC 1.0 were associated with
- overexposed (and therefore badly centroided) images of the brighter
- stars. A search around the positions of the INCA stars facilitated the
- identification of these naming errors, which were then removed in GSC
- 1.1.
- GSC 1.0 contains many pairs of objects (from single plates) with
- separations significantly smaller than the expected resolution of the
- catalog, which Garnavich (1991), based on a study of four northern
- plates, estimates at ~ 10" for 8.0 < V < 14.0. Visual inspection shows
- that these are generally blends that have been properly resolved, but
- then affected by a centroider defect that made the separations
- artificially small. Such components of blends with incorrect separations
- are given a classification of 2 (blend; cf. the text file for a full
- listing of the codes).
- For stars with V < 8, image-processing artifacts near the diffraction
- spikes exist in GSC 1.0. In GSC 1.1, potential artifacts were identified
- by use of a purely geometrical criterion (proximity of the object to the
- spike), and were assigned a classification of 5.
- Small areas around southern stars brighter than V ~ 3 are not processed
- from the Schmidt plates and were left blank in GSC 1.0. For these, GSC
- 1.1 contains entries from supplemental astrograph plates taken with the
- Gran Prisma Objectif (GPO) telescope on La Silla, and the astrograph at
- the Black Birch Observatory (BBO) in Blenheim, New Zealand. Because of
- their smaller fields, the photometric and astrometric calibrations of
- data from most GPO and a few BBO plates were performed against nearby
- GSC entries based on the Schmidt plates. The details for these plates
- are given in the file bright.plt.
- A number of specific errors in GSC 1.0 have been identified by the
- user-community and by analyses of HST operational problems. These
- generally involve naming errors, plate flaws, misclassifications, and
- multiple stars; most are individually corrected in GSC 1.1. Also, the
- photometric error parameter in GSC 1.1 is now correctly described by
- equation (3) in Paper II; i.e., the erratum of footnote 5 therein is no
- longer pertinent.
- Organization of the data files:
- The Guide Star Catalog is subdivided into regions that are bounded by
- small circles of right ascension and great circles of declination, and
- that are numbered consecutively from 0001 to 9537. Data for each region
- are stored as separate files; these files are contained in directories,
- each of which subtends a 7.5 degree zone of declination.
- File regions.dat gives the vertices (in J2000 coordinates) for each of the
- 9537 catalog regions. The requirement for efficient random access to
- small areas of the sky (e.g., circles 0.5 to 1.0 degrees in diameter)
- underlies the adopted catalog organization, which divides the sky into
- large regions, approximately 7.5 deg in size, which are then subdivided
- into small regions on the basis of their expected individual stellar
- populations; each small region corresponds to one file of the GSC. The
- parameters are selected such that small regions nominally contain 2000
- objects; and since the regions are defined entirely by celestial
- geometry, any area can be accessed by reference to a small number of
- regions identifiable with simple logic. The details of this scheme are
- given in Paper III.
- The declination boundaries of the large regions are small circles of
- right ascension taken at 7.5 deg intervals beginning at declination +90
- deg. Each of these declination bands is subdivided in right ascension by
- segments of great circles of declination spaced at intervals of 360/N
- deg, where N is the nearest integer to 48/cos(DEC_0), DEC_0 being the
- center of the declination band. There are 732 large regions in the GSC.
- Finally each large region is divided into small regions by the segments
- of N great circles of declination, uniformly spaced in right ascension,
- and by N small circles of right ascension, uniformly spaced in
- declination. The values of N range from 2 near the galactic poles to 4
- in the plane, and there are 9537 small regions in the GSC. Large region
- numbers are numbered first (most rapidly) by right ascension, beginning
- with the regions whose southwest corner is at RA = 0 and DEC = 0, then
- proceeding north by bands of declination, until the polar zone is
- counted; then the process continues symmetrically in the south,
- beginning at the northwest corner of the region at RA= 0 and DEC = 0.
- Small regions are numbered in the same manner, except that the count
- goes through all the small regions of a large region before proceeding to
- the small regions of the next large region.
- The right ascension and declination limits of each of the 9537 small
- regions, in J2000 coordinates, are given in the table an ASCII version
- of this table is given in regions.dat. The user is cautioned that,
- according to the nomenclature convention explained in Paper III,
- maintenance procedures may result in an object being located up to a few
- seconds outside the tabulated geometric boundaries of its regions;
- therefore, a commensurate expansion of search areas is often appropriate
- in determining the catalog regions to be used. However, this version (1)
- of the GSC does not contain any occurrences of overlapping region
- boundaries.
- All data files (i.e., with the exception of this ReadMe file and the
- directory files) except regions.dat are in FITS (Flexible Image
- Transport System; Greisen et al. 1981; Wells et al. 1981; Grosbol et al.
- 1988; and Jahreiss et al. 1992) table format.
- The root directory contains the following files:
- ReadMe - this file
- GSC - Directory for the binary compressed version of the GSC (300Mbytes)
- TABLES - Directory for GSC supporting tables.
- regions.dat - The corners of each small region.
- Directory GSC contains a compact version of the Guide Star Catalogue
- (details in the README file of this GSC directory), and includes
- directories for the 7.5 degree zones in declination; these directories
- in turn contain the GSC region files in a compacted format (usable
- on any architecture with the provided programs, see the README file
- therein), with file identifiers of the form nnnn.GSC, where nnnn is
- the 4-digit decimal region number, with leading zeroes used as
- required to fill the field. The directories are named as follows:
- Directory Declination Region
- From To From To
- ------------------------------------------
- N0000 +00D 00' +07D 30' 0001 0593
- N0730 +07D 30' +15D 00' 0594 1177
- N1500 +15D 00 +22D 30' 1178 1728
- N2230 +22D 30' +30D 00' 1729 2258
- N3000 +30D 00' +37D 30' 2259 2780
- N3730 +37D 30' +45D 00' 2781 3245
- N4500 +45D 00' +52D 30' 3246 3651
- N5230 +52D 30' +60D 00' 3652 4013
- N6000 +60D 00' +67D 30' 4014 4293
- N6730 +67D 30' +75D 00' 4294 4491
- N7500 +75D 00' +82D 30' 4492 4614
- N8230 +82D 30' +90D 00' 4615 4662
- S0000 -00D 00' -07D 30' 4663 5259
- S0730 -07D 30' -15D 00' 5260 5837
- S1500 -15D 00' -22D 30' 5838 6411
- S2230 -22D 30' -30D 00' 6412 6988
- S3000 -30D 00' -37D 30' 6989 7522
- S3730 -37D 30' -45D 00' 7523 8021
- S4500 -45D 00' -52D 30' 8022 8463
- S5230 -52D 30' -60D 00' 8464 8839
- S6000 -60D 00' -67D 30' 8840 9133
- S6730 -67D 30' -75D 00' 9134 9345
- S7500 -75D 00' -82D 30' 9346 9489
- S8230 -82D 30' -90D 00' 9490 9537
- ------------------------------------------
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- regions.dat 47 9536 The corners of each small region
- bright.plt 18 98 Details of the plates for bright stars
- TABLES/* . 15 FITS GSC supporting tables
- GSC/* . . Compact version of GSC (for DOS and Unix)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- File Summary (FITS files in the directory TABLES)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- comments.tbl Introduction and general comments.
- rev_1_1.tbl Comments on GSC 1.1 revisions.
- plates.tbl Information on the plates used in the GSC.
- process.tbl Image processing parameters.
- astr_cal.tbl Parameters of astrometric calibrations.
- phot_cal.tbl Parameters of photometric calibrations.
- c_up_pop.tbl Catalog update population statistics.
- st_pop.tbl Population statistics for stars.
- ns_pop.tbl Population statistics for non-stars.
- regions.tbl Boundaries of GSC regions.
- c_re_pop.tbl GSC region population statistics.
- lg_reg_x.tbl Index to large regions.
- sm_reg_x.tbl Index to small regions.
- xref_p2r.tbl Cross-reference table, plates to regions.
- xref_r2p.tbl Cross-reference table, regions to plates.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: regions.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 5 I5 --- num Number of region
- 7- 8 I2 h RA0h Low limit of right ascension, hours
- 10- 11 I2 min RA0m Low limit of right ascension, minutes
- 13- 17 F5.2 s RA0s Low limit of right ascension, seconds
- 19- 20 I2 h RA1h High limit of right ascension, hours
- 22- 23 I2 min RA1m High limit of right ascension, minutes
- 25- 29 F5.2 s RA1s High limit of right ascension, seconds
- 31 A1 --- DE0- Low limit of declination, sign
- 32- 33 I2 deg DE0d Low limit of declination, degrees
- 35- 38 F4.1 arcmin DE0m Low limit of declination, minutes
- 40 A1 --- DE1- High limit of declination, sign
- 41- 42 I2 deg DE1d High limit of declination, degrees
- 44- 47 F4.1 arcmin DE1m High limit of declination, minutes
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: bright.plt
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 4 A4 --- plate PPD plate identification
- 7- 8 A2 --- region PPD plate region identification
- 11- 18 F8.3 yr ep Mid exposure of PPD plate
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Acknowledgements:
- The primary authors would like to thank the large number of persons who
- have participated in the Guide Star Selection System and the Guide Star
- Catalog developments over the past years. In addition to the many people
- previously acknowledged, they would like to thank the following who made
- contributions in GSC 1.1:
- by collaboration in merging INCA data into GSC 1.1:
- Daniel Egret and the Hipparcos INCA and Tycho groups;
- for providing astrograph plates for southern bright stars:
- Geoffrey Douglass, Robert Harrington, G. Monderen, and Otto
- Richter;
- by contributing to the GSC 1.0 error discussion or by reporting
- specific errors in GSC 1.0:
- Beatrice Bucciarelli, Daniel Egret, Holland Ford, Peter Garnavich,
- Roberto Gilmozzi, Roberta Humphreys, Mario Lattanzi, William Owen,
- Barry Rappaport, Kavan Ratnatunga, Larry Taff, Patrick Wallace,
- Fred Walter, and Archibald Warnock;
- for pre-mastering the CD-ROMs: Ian Evans; o and by making essential
- contributions to the project's infra- structure:
- Ian Evans;
- and by making essential contributions to the project's
- infrastructure:
- Marian Iannuzzi, Greg McLeskey, Dave Paradise, Don
- Stevens-Rayburn, and Patty Trovinger.
- Finally, special thanks are due to Riccardo Giacconi, Director of the
- Space Telescope Science Institute, for his vision and continuing support
- of this project.
- The Guide Star Catalog is partially based on data obtained at Palomar
- Observatory, operated by the California Institute of Technology; at the
- UK Schmidt Telescope, operated by the UK Science and Engineering
- Research Council and by the Anglo-Australia n Observatory; at the Cerro
- Tololo Inter-American Observatory and the Sacramento Peak Observatory,
- both operated by the Association of Universities for Research in
- Astronomy, Inc., under contract to the National Science Foundation; and
- at the Mount Lemmon Observatory, operated by the University of Arizona.
- The two CD-ROMS from which this catalog was copied contain the Guide
- Star Catalog - Version 1.1, with an issue date of 1 August 1992. The
- Guide Star Catalog (GSC) was prepared by the Space Telescope Science
- Institute (ST ScI), 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA. ST
- ScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in
- Astronomy, Inc. (AURA), under contract with the National Aeronautics and
- Space Administration (NASA).
- The Astronomical Data Centers (ADCs) thank the Space Telescope Science
- Institute and the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy
- for permission to archive this catalog. This document is the README.TXT
- file for this catalog slightly reformatted to be consistent with the
- format used by the ADCs with a few additions from other STScI
- publications and the addition of the regions.dat from the FITS file.
- References:
- Egret, D., Didelon, P., McLean, B. J., Russell, J. L., and Turon, C.,
- Tycho Input Catalog - Cross-matching the Guide Star Catalog with the
- Hipparcos INCA Data Base, Astron. Astrophys., 258, 217-212 (1992).
- (1992A&A...258..217E ; Catalog <I/197>)
- Garnavich, P., The Stellar Angular Correlation, Clues to Wide Binary
- Star Properties, dissertation, University of Washington (1991).
- Greisen, E. W., Harten, R. H., An Extension of FITS for Groups of Small
- Arrays of Data, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 44, 371-374 (1981).
- Grenon, M., Mermilliod, M., Mermilliod, J. C., The Hipparcos Input
- Catalogue. III. Photometry, Astron. Astrophys., 258, 88-93 (1992).
- Grosbol, P., Harten, R. H., Greisen, E. W., Wells, D. C., Generalized
- Extensions and Blocking Factors for FITS, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.
- Ser., 73, 359-364 (1988).
- Harten, R. H., Grosbol, P., Greisen, E. W., Wells, D. C., The FITS
- Tables Extension; Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 73, 365-372 (1988).
- Jahreiss, H., Requieme, Y., Argue, A. N., Dommanget, J., Rousseau, M.,
- Lederle, T., Le Poole, R. S., Mazurier, J. M., Morrison, L. V., Nys,
- O., Penston, M. J., Perie, J. P., Prevot, L., Tucholke, H. J., de
- Vegt, C., The Hipparcos Input Catalogue. II. Astrometric Data;
- Astron. Astrophys., 258, 82-87 (1992).
- Jenkner, H., Lasker, B. M., Sturch, C. R., McLean, B. J., Shara, M. M.,
- Russell, J. L., The Guide Star Catalog. III. Production, Database
- Organization, and Population Statistics, Astron. J., 99, 2081-2154
- (1990).
- Lasker, B. M., Sturch, C. R., Lopez, C., Mallama, A. D., McLaughlin, S.
- F., Russell, J. L., Wisniewski, W. Z., Gillespie, B. A., Jenkner, H.,
- Siciliano, E. D., Kenny, D., Baumert, J. H., Goldberg, A. M., Henry,
- G. W., Kemper, E., Siegel, M. J., The Guide Star Photometric Catalog.
- I., Astrophys. J. Suppl., 68, 1-90 (1988).
- (1988ApJS...68....1L ; Catalog <II/143>)
- Lasker, B. M., Sturch, C. R., McLean, B. J., Russell, J. L., Jenkner,
- H., Shara, M. M., The Guide Star Catalog. I. Astronomical and
- Algorithmic Foundations; Astron. J., 99, 2019-2058 (1990).
- Ratnatunga, K. U., Comparison of GSC Photometry in Three Southern
- Fields; Astron. J., 100, 280-290 (1990AJ....100..280R)
- Russell, J. L., Lasker, B. M., McLean, B. J., Sturch, C. R., Jenkner,
- H., The Guide Star Catalog. II. Photometric and Astrometric
- Calibrations; Astron. J., 99, 2059-2081 (1990).
- Taff, L. G., Lattanzi, M. G., Bucciarelli, B., Two Successful Techniques
- for Schmidt Plate Astrometry; Astrophys. J., 358, 359-369 (1990).
- Taff, L. G., Lattanzi, M. G., Bucciarelli, B., Gilmozzi, R., McLean, B.
- J., Jenkner, H., Laidler, V. G., Lasker, B. M., Shara, M. M., Sturch,
- C. R., Some Comments on the Astrometric Properties of the Guide Star
- Catalog; Astrophys. J., 353, L45-L48 (1990).
- Turon, C., Gomez, A., Crifo, F., Creze, M., Perryman, M. A. C., Morin,
- D., Arenou, F., Nicolet, B., Chareton, M., Egret, D., The Hipparcos
- Input Catalogue. I. Star Selection; Astron. Astrophys., 258, 74-81
- (1992).
- Wells, D. C., Greisen, E. W., Harten, R. H., FITS - A Flexible Image
- Transport System; Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 44, 363-370 (1981).
- ================================================================================
- (End) Nancy G. Roman/Gail L. Schneider [SSDOO/ADC] 22-Feb-1996